Why you need to start getting comfortable being UNCOMFORTABLE…

Start getting comfortable being uncomfortable!

This is my motto for this week…

Or the past few weeks to be exact!

Recently I’ve been feeling empty and like my life is lacking something. I feel like I need MORE! (Especially as I’m someone who gets bored easily and hates staying in the same space in life).

So, I’ve been putting the feelers out there to the universe, in the hope to be heard as I know I’m destined for more.

We’re ALL destined for more and when you feel that thought or emotion in your core – you should really listen to it!

The truth is, I know what I need to do to shake off this deflated, empty feeling. And that is to get totally UNCOMFORTABLE in order for me to fulfil my heart’s desires.

And if you’re feeling similar to me then you may need to do the same.

This is where I hear you ask…

But what does getting uncomfortable mean for me?

What we don’t realise or often forget is that putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations in life (within reason of course) is how and where growth is.

When you put off doing something enough because it scares you, you then build this fear, you’ll have this ingrained thoughts as to why you should NOT do the ‘new thing’ you wish you had the courage to do.

Your mind and body will protect you as this fear is considered DANGER!

You don’t want to disrupt your life or rip the comfort blanket out of your hands or off your back; as this warmth and protection is the very thing that makes us feel safe.

Yet in reality, by doing the thing that scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable could be THE ONE THING that completely turns your life around in ways you didn’t imagine.

By opening up this new side of you and entering uncharted waters is where you can reach greater heights, unlock new potential and become the version of yourself you wished you could be. And a version that your younger self will definitely thank you for.

Now these ‘scary situations’ are yours to decide – no matter how big or small, they all count. Whether it be as simple as: start the search for that new job you’re contemplating, take yourself out on your own to prove you can handle being alone, or take up that hobby you REALLY want to do but have been putting off since forever.

I’m taking on and looking to do things that I thought I could NEVER do.

Things I don’t have enough experience in.

Things that scare me to the core due to the fear of failure! (Being a failure is a massive self-limiting belief for me).

But I need to do it to prove to myself that I CAN do it. I will do it. And I’m more capable than I realise.

As my dad would say: what you focus on is what you head towards!

This is true in every sense of the words.

Hone in on what it is you really want for you, and if you keep pushing yourself to do that thing, no matter what it takes, then it’s well within your reach of being achievable.

And that is why we NEED to get uncomfortable in life to realise and unlock our TRUE potential. We only get one life so don’t live it hiding in the shadows away from the greater good that you can be.

Go on, make that change and start getting uncomfortable(if you wish to of course) – I believe in you 100%!

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