Struggling to sparkle this season? Me too.

You know the feeling and can hear it now, as the beat drops on the Andy Williams song:

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!”

But is it really?

Or are we made to feel that way because if you’re not joyous throughout December, then you MUST be a Scrooge!

Spoiler alert: I LOVE Christmas, it’s my most favourite time of year.


It’s most certainly a tricky and triggering time of year for many.

The pressure we feel around us to not only create the most perfect Christmas with lavish gifts – spending money we don’t even have! But also to get everything tied up by end of the year at work, and not to mention smashing our goals and making every single last day of the year count.

Because apparently we need to do this in order to start the new year strong.


We don’t have to do ALL these things. There’s an immense amount of pressure on people at this time of year for various reasons. There’s a lot to do, a lot to remember and a lot to think about.

Plus, this time of year can be difficult for those without loved ones; a time of year that’s happy and joyous yet that special someone will be missing at the dinner table and around the Christmas tree. It’s this harsh reminder that can take away some of the joyous feeling during the festivities.

See that’s the thing…

Just because it’s Christmas, it doesn’t mean everyone’s struggles stop.

I would actually argue that they can intensify, as you’re pressured to be so put together at this time of year and be on top of everything.

It’s like life needs to look like something out of a cheesy channel 5 Christmas movie – polished, perfected and very, very cheerful!

If only?!

During the months and weeks leading up to Christmas, everything is so fast paced and high pressure that realistically you’ll drop the ball on something as it’s not humanly possible to do it all.

Not to mention emotions are running high and energy levels are zapped.

This is where we need to take the time for ourselves to pause, check in and give ourselves a little TLC during the most wonderful, but super stressful and chaotic time of the year.

I’d been struggling to find my sparkle due to various life events, work, financial pressures and certain people in my life making me feel less than adequate, due to their selfish ways. And this just goes to show that despite the joyous season there are still struggles that we all face. Just because Christmas is coming, doesn’t mean our problems cease.

So if like me you’re struggling to sparkle, my advice to you would be…

Be gentle with yourself

Honestly, this time of year is very stressful. So the last thing you need is to be putting more pressure on yourself to get stuff done, or beating yourself up for not feeling a certain way or having everything in order.

Embrace your emotions

Listen to how you truly feel and don’t force emotions based on how you THINK you should feel.

If you’re happy, sad, stressed, angry, deflated, disappointed, anxious, relaxed (the list goes on) then truly embrace it. You have every right to feel the way you do, your feelings are valid even if they’re not as bright or as cheery as the Christmas lights on your tree. We can’t be happy all the time and it’s perfectly okay to not be okay.

And don’t be sorry for not feeling joyous

Please don’t be apologetic for not being super happy and excited about Christmas.

Just because it’s ‘the most wonderful time of year’ doesn’t mean you have to feel fabulous and be at your best.

You can still feel an array of emotions that aren’t positive and that’s perfectly fine. It doesn’t mean you’re a Scrooge and it certainly doesn’t mean you’re negative.

Struggling to sparkle during the festive season is more common than you think – you’re not alone!

Sending my love to all that need it at this wonderful but truly difficult time of year.

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